HVAC Systems in ClimateStudio
ClimateStudio offers both early design energy load modeling using the Ideal Air Loads System and common system archetypes that allow modelers to simulate the effects of real HVAC systems. ClimateStudio supports three widely used HVAC system types that distinguish themselves mainly through the medium used to transport energy to and from the zones — air, water, or refrigerant.
In the Rhino user interface, systems are assigned in the systems tab in the energy modeling workflow. Buttons 1-4 allow users to add a system of a specific type:
The system table below allows modelers to manage and edit system configurations within the model. The edit column (7) allows modelers to configure detailed settings of a system archetype once it has been added to the model, (8) deletes column removes the system from the model, and system type column (9) reports the system type.
The table further shows the zone count assigned to a specific system (5), and the user can manage zone-to-system assignment by clicking on the icon in column (6). This opens the Assign System to Zones dialog shown below. The dialog allows modelers to assign zones to a system. When a zone is already served by a system, it will be passed over to the new system. Zones can only be served by one system.
To allow for a better spatial overview on which zone is served by which system, modelers can toggle the Preview System Assignment mode(10) above the systems table and zones will be rendered with the system color (12) in the Rhino viewport. The color can be customized by clicking on the color swatch (12).
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