
ClimateStudio is a plugin for the Rhinoceros 3D NURBS modeler. To use ClimateStudio, you need the following:

  1. A computer running the Windows operating system. ClimateStudio does not currently run on the Mac operating system. Mac users can still use ClimateStudio by running Windows through a multi-boot utility such as boot camp.

  2. A modern graphics card that supports OpenCL and/or CUDA is highly recommended.

  1. The latest version of Rhino 6 or 7. A free, fully functional 90 day trial is available from the McNeel web site.

  2. A license for ClimateStudio. An installer and trial license for commercial purposes can be requested here. Teachers and students can obtain an academic license through their school’s participation in Solemma’s free educational licensing program.


If you are unfamiliar with computer aided design (CAD) software in general or Rhino in particular, you can find tutorials on the web or online training such as the Lynda tutorials for Rhino.

For more information about the underlying theory behind the ClimateStudio workflows, check out these sources: